The Invesiture in the ACT today was awesome – especially seeing the order grow. We love helping people – and of course our cool outfits too!
The last few days of my life has been in the Nation’s Capital – Canberra with the my awesome charitable colleagues in ‘The Order of Saint John’. From the time of the original Knight’s Templar, early Crusades and the like – this order has carried on from people on the battlefield – to ex Military & Business people today helping people and raising money for hospitals.
It’s been a very awesome and intense time with going to Canberra, catching up with a great group and people and totally immersing myself into ‘The Order’ during what is called an ‘Investiture’.
At this event, it’s when people officially join the order. We have Men & Women Knighted and cool fellow join as a ‘Serving Brother’. In very simple terms, it means our fine order is expanding with priories in Victoria, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane taking off big time.
I have been in the order for a few months now and in short terms it’s been a life changing experience. We do wear really cool robes (which appeals to my ‘Nerdy Sci-Fi side), however I think the real reason it’s been so great for me is that when we dedicate part of ourselves to helping others without any expectation of return it’s very good for our souls and us on a deeper emotional level. Sure – I am a Persian Guy from Western Sydney and I love making money and the like, however when we help people and make a true difference it can be something totally much more rewarding.
The Order of Saint John is this amazing group of people and being around them is just great – as it gets you focused on things that are far beyond oneself. I love the idea of helping people through the great works of Christianity, spending time with great people and of course wearing the cool outfits.
My advice and learnings from being in the Order? Charity rocks and being part of a cause is critical. I would never have thought several years ago that helping others is the best way of helping oneself – but it’s true.
If you haven’t already, find a great charity that rocks your boat and you fit in there. I tried a few charities prior – one even kicked me out because they thought I was too ‘Radical’. Glad I found a cool place eventually that accepts me for who I am.
Love your work, thanks for the read and stay tuned for more to come!
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