From Madness to a Madhouse – the Microsoft Sydney Store was history in the making!
It only seemed like yesterday that Microsoft & PCs were something of just the office. The iPod was at it’s peak, iTunes seemed to be on every Windows based machine, PCs were ugly and Apple users were fully justified in looking down at their PC counterparts.
That is history.
Today I was lucky to see my own piece of history in the making with the inspiring launch of the Microsoft Concept store in Sydney. My first impressions were just of amazement – hundreds of people everywhere, the trendy young to the productive old, Skype for Business right through to seeing the “Master Chief” from Halo in front of the XBOX One Gaming display.
This is the Microsoft of today. It’s a sexy, inspiring, progressive and highly popular brand today that is leaving its questionable part behind with Apple’s success.
The first thing on many people’s mind is of course “How does this compare to the Apple Store?”, “Did Microsoft Copy them?”
I am sure in some aspects they did – it’s a store, with staff, walls and windows. In almost every other aspect they didn’t. It was wall to wall with the latest technology and it really showed the strength of Microsoft in today’s world.
In short, it totally blew me away and it was a testament to the comeback of Microsoft.
It’s a company which is leading when it comes to technology and I think it’s going to be a fascinating 12 – 24 months to see how all this plays out. Windows 10, the Surface book, the Surface 4 Pro, Skype for Business, 365, Minecraft and this is the tip of the iceberg – it will be fascinating to see the way in which Google & Apple head.
Even if you aren’t a Microsoft buff like me, I encourage you to check it out – just make sure you leave your Credit Cards at home LOL
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