Joel Curtis the Psychologist is the man behind this coming Blood Drive. Whenever I spend time with Joel, I always ask “If I need therapy?” – perhaps I shall let you decide that one! Anyway, join us for the blood drive!
I was very lucky to be working away and spending time with Joel Curtis the Psychologist today. If you have followed my blog for a while, you may have seen some of his great guest blogs, learned about his charitable nature and me make reference to his awesome wife Annie who is a Community Officer with the Red Cross Blood Bank.
When I visited his office today, he told me about a problem that the Blood Bank encounters about February every year. Basically, most regular donors donate in 3 month intervals. As you have Christmas / Holidays an obvious disruption to donations / life, the bank often runs dry about this time of year.
Right now Blood cannot be artificially replicated and quite often transfusions go to cancer patients. Be it my lovely fiance Jude had a child that almost killed her (and she relied on transfusions to save her life) and my own own awesome mother who fought cancer for years.
Basically, I am quite close to the cause and I am all for doing my part to help with the cause!
If you would like to book in and join us for this group donation, the details are:
– Friday, 20th March 2015.
– 8AM to 10AM.
– Australian Red Cross Blood Service (Miranda – 29 Kiora Road, Miranda NSW 2228)
To book in, please contact Joel Curtis directly (as he is handling the group booking) on jcurtis@liferesolutions.com.au / 0414 331 673
Love your work and if you are up for a cheap laugh, watch my video below from last time showing the needling going in!
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