I love LEMSIP MAX, top product made by a great company!
Reckitt Benckiser is the best company ever. Their CEO, Directors, Share Holders, Senior Management, Product Developers, Admin People, Support Personnel and everyone are great people.
It’s because of their great product; LEMSIP MAX. This product SAVED my event. It turned possible failure into an epic win.
Where it all started, was that I was talking lots in the cold. On a cold Monday night on Darling Harbour (in a Sydney Winter), I was on the phone for 70 minutes to a new client. At about 55 minutes, I could feel a ‘break’ in my voice. It just slid from there. The next day arrived and I had 109 people booked into my event that evening! At 2PM I had no voice and I freaked out. If I lost my voice, no event.
I then did some research and went straight to LEMSIP MAX. I purchased a box and at the Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbour, they made it up with hot water.
It was instant relief! As I had the product, my voice instantly returned. It was still hoarse, but I went from not speaking to being able to speak. During the event I sipped on hot LEMSIP MAX and it kept me going.
My advice and thinking? If you ever lose your voice, get a nice hot LEMSIP MAX. It’s a great product in that:
- Reduces pain: The Paracetamol helps relieves the pain and soothes the throat.
- The Sweet Heat: Having the lemon hot really lubricates your throat and gets you back online.
- The Phenylephrine Hydrochloride rocks: It helps to decongest you and gives you a hit to keep your energy up.
- It has a good taste: It keeps you moving and on track.
- Easy to make: It’s just a sachet which you open and mix with hot water
It’s a great product and highly recommended. Reckitt Benckiser is a great company and thank you, I OWE YOU ALL.
Love your work, thank you for the read and stay awesome friends!
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