I spoke at lots of events in 2017 and the experience curve has helped me become great. Nice and finally!
It’s 6PM as I write this blog article, just before my Live Webinar tonight on the topic. Public Speaking is an area close to my heart and I help lots of wonderful entrepreneurs every month in this critical area.
I get asked all the time by people at the start of their journey how they can do it and how of course I have done it. The first thing I say is that to become a powerful Public Speaker, is that you need to be doing it all time.
Probably like anything in life. If we are doing something all the time, our experience and skill naturally climbs and in speaking this has become true for me in many ways.
Interestingly for me in 2017, my public speaking abilities has climbed fast than any other year in my life. The straight up answer for that is that if I count Live Workshops, MC work, Live Webinars, Keynotes and all the work that I did, I would have spoken at least once a week.
In 2017 I would have publicly spoken at least over 50 times and I haven’t even counted Facebook Lives. I would say that I was ‘good’ at the start of the year and as I kept doing it, learning my lessons, getting more experience and programming my subconscious mind it comes easier to me each time.
The key point for me is how we ‘program our subconscious mind’. That being how we naturally get used to things, so we can get the result without the actual conscious work involved.
At the start of 2017, I would speak at an event and it would be great, however it would take a lot of energy out of me. Towards the end of 2017, it’s become just a regular activity that I have done and it’s just getting better and better.
My advice and thinking? To become a great speaker just get started at any opportunity you can get. You may start by introducing yourself at your networking group, offering to speak at events on the house or my favourite; start your own Meetup Group where you control the experience and set the terms.
For me, having my own group has just been incredible move in that it’s given me my own platform to speak more and more. If it wasn’t for that, there is no way I would have the skill I have the day.
Get into it friends however you can! Start speaking and build your experience. It gets easier each time, and believe me, I know the journey.
Love your work, thank you for the read and happy speaking friends!
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