Sure this guy did the wrong thing. But to stop so publicly against a probable massive salary – legend! This really touched me this one!
As a Full Vegetarian and animal lover I have always found Spanish Bullfighting pure evil and very shocking to watch. Even as a child when I was eating meat at the time I found something “Wrong” about this. What did the bull do? How can a country today still make this is National Sport and past time? How can a civilized race enjoy the public torturing of an animal? Who are the greedy money making scum bags that defend this? And of course, how can we stop their tyranny against poor animals?
From a great post I saw on Facebook, this photo was shared talking about Matador Torero Alvaro Munera ending his career. The wounded bull didn’t even continue to fight and it was great seeing someone do the right thing over profits.
I bet this guy was getting paid heaps (assuming say he seen like a NSW Rugby Player) and for him to say “NO WAY – THIS IS WRONG” I think it just totally awesome.
Bringing it back to Small Business Management and Marketing – it got me thinking about when I started my business. With my own Personal Mentoring services I was always flexible, no hard-selling, no contracts and over time this rocked for me.
At the time I started (and even today) I know so many companies that do the opposite to my disgust. They hard-sell, push people to buy before they are ready – and just really overcharge for the otherwise “Standard Vanilla Ice-Cream” services they are selling.
I heard a very scary thing from a friend the other day. The Coaching College I once did a course at is teaching very questionable means of selling from stage. Teaching things like buzz words, psychological techniques and preying on people’s scarcity and human psychology to get them to purchase things they may not be able to service financially.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not some type of hippie arguing that “Money Sucks” and all that. As a Persian Guy living in Inner-West Sydney I am very ambitious – but as I have said before it’s all about making money the right way.
These days you get some people that make it by doing the wrong thing and ripping people off – but these days (especially in the Small Business Space) the shonks don’t last. Sure, they may go in and clean out everyone out and make more money at the start, but then they get what they deserve!
As per the awesome Ex-Matador who did the right thing towards the end over money – he is the awesome example of justice / humanity over money.
My advice? Work out how to make heaps of money the right way! If you find a dodgy way of making money – DON’T DO IT! Money earned the wrong way just isn’t worth it. I have lost count of the number of awesome multi-millionaires I work with that who have done it all the right way.
Hope you enjoy this read and have an Awesome Day Great People!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Animal Lover x x
2 Responses
Im fully on board with you hear Edward. Starting a business is such an emotional and difficult journey. You need to have a long term view to get a proper return.
Dont get caught up trying to make money so much that you forget you are selling to real people who want more than a product/service from you.
They want someone on their side. Helping them, someone trustworthy and honest.
Love the article….. More please
Why thank you David Coster and I am quite humbled by your awesome response. Great minds think alike and love it. I was speaking to an awesome client today about this topic as well (who is in Start-Up) and it’s the same thing I think. One must have that right mindset of making it fair on the client and on themselves.
Too often I see the direct opposite! People under charging and in some cases charging like a “Wounded Bull” (probably a bad example to use in this article!). The can make more money in the short-term, but I am glad over time to see these silly charlatans get cleaned out.
More articles coming and thank you David! Glad you like it!