My FB Live was in the zone tonight. I love it and more to come!
When Facebook Live came out, I was ironically one of the ones to hang off and not spend much time on it.
I am (and remain to be) a huge video buff and over the past 6 to 12 months, Facebook has done lots of work on its Live Platform.
I have just got into the next generation FB Live Platform and I can tell you that I now love it and it’s been incredibly successful for me.
Over the past 3 days, I have been doing a Live a day and I plan to stick to this approach as I go into the future. Some lives have been more 5 to 10 minutes, with this evenings Live being a 40 minute ‘Webinar’ marathon with great questions and top interaction.
I have bene making massive improvements and changes to my Marketing Strategies and I can tell you that daily FB lives will be a core part of improving what I do in terms of getting more clients, money and time.
I love FB Live and my take for making it work beautifully:
– Have a great topic and do a ‘hangout’ based on that.
– Do it at times when you know people are available (lunch and evening has been great for me).
– Give lots of great ideas and hold nothing back.
– Make sure you have a great camera and audio. I have found that phone isn’t the best for this. My Surface Pro 4 has been great.
– DO IT and do a great job.
My advice and thinking? FB Live is at that point where it’s a great platform and I pumped to be getting more into it. Make it work for you in powerhouse style!
I love your work, thank you for the read and join my next one friends!
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