Microsoft has been pushing the idea of ‘Getting More Done’ which I totally love. In business I have found getting rid of the negative distractions is critical – so you can focus on the fun profitable stuff that matters!
If any of you wonderful people have been “Blessed” or perhaps “Cursed” by my Surface Pro 3 by Microsoft Rantings – you may have heard me like a zealot recite parts of the advertising Campaign for this brilliant device.
As you probably know, I am not a fan of Apple and I have always been Pro PC, Google and Microsoft. Over the past year few years, Apple totally kicked our butts with technology but now Microsoft is on the massive come back which is totally energizing for me with it’s latest round of impressive technology.
Talking more to Sales & Marketing – one aspect of the Surface Marketing was some of their great tag-lines “Microsoft helps you get more done”.
This made a massive impact to my life in the respect that not so much this year, but probably more last year – I used to spend lots of time in my business in a wasteful manner. To clarify, I don’t mean I was slackening off – I was working very hard but I was working with some people that were really negative, working in projects that were just taking the Mickey out of me and just really not directing my mind and energy to the many great amazing people in my life.
September 2014 was my HIGHEST CONSULTING BILLINGS ever which has made me very proud but also very mindful of the changes I made late last year which are giving me the time / opportunity to focus on more activities.
I have done lots of shared projects. Some great, some not so great and last year I was once caught up with the wrong people, doing a project which was taking at least 15 hours per month for me. By leaving that project and taking those 15 hours and investing them into my own business – I am making more money out of it.
Keeping in mind Microsoft’s Catch Line “Getting More Done” to me this is very important in a Small Business Context. You got to police yourself and make sure every month of your time, your thought and your focus is directed to the right people and the right type of activities.
Hanging out with Awesome People is just Awesome! Talking to the positive, they are kind, buy stuff from you, refer you business, look after you and make your life fun and more profitable.
My advice? Success in Sales & Marketing (let alone Small Business) is about getting lots of things done. The more you get “Done”, the better you get it “Done” the more successful you are going to be. So shed whatever distractions are around you and focus on whatever you can to make it all happen.
I hope you enjoyed my Pro-Microsoft read and a massive thanks from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who LOVES GETTING MORE DONE!
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