Following up can even be a simple and fast email. It makes all the difference! DO IT ASAP!
If you are an Entrepreneur like myself (or even a Corporate), you will agree with my thinking when I say “Meetings are your life blood!”.
It’s extremely true in my own case in that whenever I meet with someone and they want to do business, I must follow up with them ASAP so we get started whilst they are still excited. You can say that one must ‘strike whilst the iron is hot’.
What the many years of business has taught me is that one must follow up ASAP after meeting. Be it a few hours when you get home, 10 minutes later from your Laptop or whatever the case maybe; I like to do it right away.
This is great in that it shows the person you are serious and ready to do business, it gets it off your mind, so you don’t have to worry about it, eliminates the chance of forgetting about it and also increases your odds of things going your way.
You also don’t forget critical factors in that you are acting on things whilst they sit in your short-term memory. You can sleep on it and forget what really matters.
My advice and thinking?
FOLLOW UP ASAP friends! Be it an email after a meeting, an SMS thanking them or whatever the case maybe, make it happen.
It works. Trust me!
Do it. Win big and of course, stay awesome!
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