Our Awesome Friends from ’90 Days of Profitable Sales and Marketing’ – some of our best work to date and thank you to everyone!
I am a very happy man who is very grateful for the amazing support of the Business Community. My colleague Martha Arifin and I just ran our most successful workshop to date, 90 Days of Profitable Sales and Marketing at Novotel Sydney Olympic Park.
Having so many awesome and different people join us for the intimate workshop got me really reflecting on the importance of diversity in not only terms of say background or race, but just people who “Think Differently”. I also had great admiration for a lot of the “Counter-Points” made as well. At times I would say argue something that someone wouldn’t agree with – or someone else would do the same. As we had one fine dynamic, there was great room for debate and as the “Counter-Points” were handled well, it gave rise to great learnings and discussions.
One key theme that I have really developed in my own life lately is that “Conflict” may be a good thing. Traditionally at work, in relationships or even friendships – I would always “Avoid Conflict” and this would always lead to bad places. Be it say in a relationship where I would be afraid of conflict (and none of those relationships lasted) or say when I am working with someone, I would always be afraid of “Rocking the Apple Cart” and creating problems. The fact, I would be someones “Welcome Mat” I can tell you created way more problems.
Over the last year in my life, I have really started to express my own views and in particular starting from 2014 – it has been quite a liberating experience saying what I think even if everyone thinks I am wrong.
My own views and advice that readily give to people these days is to really express yourself and your thoughts – AND DON’T WORRY IF PEOPLE DON’T LIKE IT! The more I find I do this, the sharper my wit becomes and quite often – you will find out you are correct in your thinking.
Reflecting back on our Awesome Workshop, the points of “Disagreement” and “Conflict” (although were in few) I found lead to some of the best key gems and lessons for everyone. It gave me a new positive view on conflict and I love it.
So here is too expressing yourself, and of course in want of expressing myself – make sure you check out my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault”, you will so love it x x
Thank you for the read and a big thanks to the attendees from “Awesome 90 Days of Profitable Sales & Marketing – June 2014” – you made it all possible and love your work!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Man who Enjoys a bit of Constructive Conflict!
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