While the Lovely Jude Dowsett was using her old life skills to give me a great miltary haircut today, it got us both thinking onto the Awesome Parts of our old life and how it relates to what we can do well today.
With extreme humor and irony, this actual blog article has been written with almost no creativity. The reason for that being, is that my better half Jude has just written her Facebook Post on exactly the same topic “Your Old Life Impact on Your Current / New Life”.
What sparked this great post, is that Jude used to be a Hairdresser in her old life. Today, my hair was exceeding the standards of my usual “Sam Worthington / Avatar” Marine Haircut and she offered to pull out the sharp metal scissors and as per my request “Make me look like a bad-ass”. As I am quite a happy a well-adjusted character (these days), I am too happy to never look like that.
Bringing this back to a Small Business Marketing & Sales Conversation – as I did with Jude in giving her advice on her Personal Coaching Business, I think it’s very important that you really consider the skills from your old life in light of a business you may be about to start or are currently in.
For example, since my early 20’s I originally worked in Technical Sales – then I moved into Full Time Marketing Management type of roles (before going out as an Entrepreneur). I love it and am brilliant at it and at some points I tried things like Property Investing or Currency Trading. Basically, there were areas I had no idea in and surprise, surprise failed in.
The moment I started my business in Sales & Marketing Mentoring / Consulting – things just worked brilliantly for me.
Talking to Jude as well, in helping her start her own business – I had to look at her old life, her old skills and work out which elements to bring into her Business today of “Hey Happy Jude”. She has never worked in Marketing, Finance or Technical Areas. However, she was a Hairdresser for years, trained in various Natural Therapies and also is very good at Speech Craft and Thinking. In her life, Jude has overcome quite massive trauma’s and challenges too.
When we built her concept of “Hey Happy Jude” we found that the skills and abilities from her studies and old life were compatible and credible in this regard. As she is helping people get Happy, Succeed, Deal with Issues, Get Focused on Business and with Accountability – this is a perfect fit.
Talking personally in my own business too – even though I am great at Making Money (which I advise clients on), doing the Process and Accounting side of things I am not into. So I hire that skill out and only sell what I KNOW I AM BRILLIANT AT!
My advice and thinking from today’s haircut (which is great by the way) and reflecting on our old lives? Consider carefully what you are doing or plan to do – and make sure you are offering the “Right” skills which not only the market wants / is willing to pay for, but you completely are awesome at.
I trust that helps and speaking of Awesome – if you like the way my brain works, then you will love my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” – available for instant access right here!
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor sitting right next to Jude right now!
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