A selfie with the Awesome Father Chris Riley. Epic Win!
Tonight was an awesome day. I picked up 2 x clients, played XCOM2, spent time with my wife, met some great people and also enjoyed a fine NSW Business Chamber Lunch.
There must have been at least 150 people there and it was a great experience where we had Father Chris Riley speak. If you haven’t heard him before, he is direct, speaks with totally honest / no political correctness and even more – highlights key issues to you when it comes to what children go through.
As the room listened to him, he had energy, integrity and a message of almost pleading to the audience for help.
Father Riley is a very different type of ‘motivational’ speaker that you get. He wasn’t about hype, he came from the other angle of the ‘Mean Streets’ that people live on. I personally have had some light tastes of homelessness in my life, however it’s nothing compared to how some people live for years (if not decades).
I was very lucky to have an envelope under my chair too and I won a signed book and a chance for a selfie with him. It was incredibly awesome and I was blessed to connect with him one on one and hear is own story.
He was totally inspiring in the respect of making you really appreciate what you have. It got me thinking on a deeper level which has made me work harder, think stronger and go the extra mile.
My advice and thinking? Inspiration can come from many different angles. This one came from the ‘Mean Streets’ side in being reminded of your privilege. When you know that, it just makes you work harder and focus more.
Love your work, thanks for the read and stay awesome!
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