Our new pal Amanda. Intelligent and very awesome.
It’s been a great night. My head is still buzzing from the food, caffeine and good times at a launch group for Success Women’s Network. Tonight, my lovely wife met a really nice and happening awesome Middle Eastern character Amanda.
We collectively hit it off, finding ourselves a few hours later at El-Sweetie in Granville, Western Sydney (this is a very known Middle Eastern Sweet Shop – very nice). We spoke about everything from life in Sydney, to Entrepreneurship, right through to geo-politics and what is playing out worldwide.
It reminded me as to the importance of having intelligent awesome people surrounding us. I have awesome clients and I remember before I started my business, I was surrounded by only a few intelligent people (most were idiots).
If I think back to my life when I was surrounded by idiots, my life really didn’t work well at all. Over time, I moved away from the silly people and got more intelligent awesome friends.
Guess what? My life became more enjoyable, awesome and fun – which always to this day inspires me. We are often the result of our own goals and our environment – hence the smarter / more awesome we surround ourself with, the more likely we are to be successful ourselves.
My advice and learnings? Intelligent people are awesome, brilliant and who we want to be surrounded by.
The more the merrier! Thanks to my awesome wife and our new pal Amanda. Intelligent people rock.
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