Ranger Nat and Ranger Jamie rocked the night. They are awesomely DIFFERENT and very popular. I love their work!

Ranger Nat and Ranger Jamie rocked the night. They are awesomely DIFFERENT and very popular. I love their work!

It was only yesterday that I attended the NSW Business Chamber, however it feels like weeks have passed with the amount of leads, meetings and wonderful conversations to come out of it.

NSW Business Chamber is an incredible organisation that ‘owns’ the entrepreneur space in Sydney and I get asked by many visiting for the first time how to go about their first visit.

From what people should wear, to how they should act, to what they say; I help give people as many decent answers as possible.

One of my key parts of advice is asking (if not begging) people to be different. Being the same as everyone else is a great way to fail in that if you aren’t unique at anything, you just won’t get hired or picked up.

I have found this to be true especially with myself over the years. Even though I used to be a homeless veteran a long time ago, when I found my place in society again I went through this phase of ‘wanting to fit in’.

I realised this was a dumb strategy and over time I have rebounded the other way. The more ‘different’ I act is the more successful I become and I see this in other people. The wonderful Nathalie and Jamie from ‘Ranger Jamie Tours’ came for a visit to NSW Business Chamber and how to cut it. They were also exhibitors with tables and an opportunity to pitch to the room for 60 seconds.

In applying the reasoning of being different, I was aware of Jamie’s possessions of stuffed real Echidnas, Crocodiles and Odd-Ball Critters. So, I said bring them! To a room of suits and business people, you had two wonderful Rangers wearing Bushland hats with stuffed animals in a business event on Darling Harbour.

They were a hit! Everyone loved them! They got lots of leads! They are very happy!

My advice and lessons? They were different, they went for it and they took a unique stand in what they do. It would have taken guts for sure and I love their work.

Make sure you do the same. Be different. Yes, dumb idiots will judge you but that is okay! They are dumb idiots and their opinion of you is irrelevant.

What matters is you making a unique stand so you come out strong and win big! Like our friends at Ranger Jamie; be different. You will get attention, you will get liked and you so shall win big as people choose you over everyone else. Hence, I never wear suits, I wear Christian Jewellery everywhere and my ‘trademarked’ Army Hat. It just works.

Love your work, thank you Nat & Jamie – love your work!



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