Joel Curtis is the only man I think who can pull off pure Obi-Wan Kenobi. It has been alleged that if I dressed up as a Jedi, I would more resemble Annakin Skywalker. Great.
We are very lucky today to have the genius, brilliant, intelligent, wise and of course very handsome Joel Curtis as our Guest Blogger today. If you have seen his work before, he is a Performance Psychologist who I have gladly promoted across town and referred people too. Every so often with me chasing him, I can squeeze another brilliant “Article” out of him to put through my blog “The Edward Files”.
So without further adieu, lets see his raw intelligence play out:
Self- leadership: The Goal of Every Business Owner (by Joel Curtis):
It’s funny when you start your own business how little you actually understand about the world. Especially if you have been an employee and decide to walk off so you can “Do it yourself better” we can often get rude awakenings in this regard.
In the world of “Self-Employment”, we can find very quickly that we are alone, 100% responsible for our own choices and it can be a scary moment for many people (for many of the most in their lives). This can be overwhelming for many especially early days in business.
The first thing I say is to face this fear head-on. It won’t go away if you ignore it, and the sooner you face it – the sooner it loses it’s power and you can feel that sense of well deserved inner peace return. The sooner you get out of “Blame your Boss mode” to also “Blame Yourself Mode” it makes you even stronger, more effective and brilliant at what you do.
This is “Self-Leadership” and is an important responsiblity of any business owner. The more you take charge, realize you create everything in your business and the “Buck Stops and Starts with you” it creates a more positive and energizing experience.
It’s good to talk about these thinks! #talk2joel
Edward’s Post Article Notes:
Well isn’t that some brilliant advice? I think it’s such sharp work, I am going to pester my friend even more for some more great articles. And speaking of brilliant advice, click right here to get instant access to my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault”. Quality Sales & Marketing Education for Quality operators like yourself!
Happy Days and Nights Friends and drop my thy line if you need thy hand! Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor.
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