Dr Virk, Manu Spartan Singh and Tony Abbott – I love their work!
It was some years ago that I remember moving from the sidelines / spectating in Australian politics to doing my own unique part in helping for our fine nation grow into a better place.
As much as I love Australia as a proud patriot; I saw people in our society getting a less than fairer deal. In someone who originally came from the working class from immigrant parents, I was able to break out of that and work my way up thank you to their hard work with them supporting me in education and career progression.
In seeing earnings drop, expenses rise and things get harder for the working classes today; I became very frustrated with seemingly no care or discussion there beyond ‘Lip Service’ from our political ruling class.
This changed when I first saw Tony Abbott rise and enter the stage. I immediately liked his ‘No-Bull’ straight up care for the worker, immigrants and people that need the state not to hold them back with red-tape; but enable them to contribute to the country and also for themselves.
Over time I became a fan and when the 2013 election came, I got right involved. I got into the party and worked in different parts of the election doing my part from talking to people in the street and then lending my social media to support him.
People used to ignore us, then they laughed at us, then they fought us and we won! From then onwards I got to know Tony Abbott from many inside sources and observe his behaviour for myself.
He is a very humble man who lived up to what he stood for and winding the clock forward to today; I was incredibly grateful to be invited by my friend Manu Spartan Singh to join him at the “Thank You Australia Dinner” on Friday 31st March 2017 (at the Dezire Function Centre in Blacktown, Western Sydney).
This was hosted by Dr. Jagvinder Singh Virk who is a well-known businessman and highly respected community leader in Western Sydney.
As this all played out you could see Tony Abbott working overtime and putting great energy into the event. He was incredibly kind, yet strong about what Australia needs to become great. A key theme of the dinner from Dr. Virk was the theme of “multi-culturalism”. I only hope this is part of Tony’s rise back into the centre stage of Australian politics.
What was interesting about this was Dr. Virk’s correct take on all this. It wasn’t the typical “Political Correct” rhetoric we usually hear in the media. He went straight for the core issues on focusing on the forces that are actively trying to divide us as a country. His solution which I totally love was for us to really come together and ensure that we don’t let anyone divide us as a community. This was the message of positivity and hope which I really enjoyed to hear.
Tony Abbott, Dr. Virk and my friend Manu (who invited me) shares our love and patriotic slant for Australia on many levels.
Tony Abbott is one the ‘good guys’ who stands against that which is something we totally love and in being a resident of Western Sydney myself; Tony’s action and commitment to this part of town is well known through his behaviours and great work.
My advice and thinking on this one? His work as a Volunteer Firefighter! He has risked his safety and helped others many times. Tony worked hard to repeal the dangers of the carbon tax to ease the costs of power to the ordinary Australia. Tony goes into charity races to help causes. In short, Tony Abbott is incredible and I ask you to look at what he actually does as a Member of Parliament and one shall see the justification of my praise.
Love your work Tony, thank you Dr. Virk and Manu – appreciate the invite. It was a fantastic night seeing more of our leader in action.
4 Responses
Great initiative done by great people
Truly dr Virk work is really appreciated
You are in the zone and Dr Virk rocks. I loved watching Tony Abbott in action. Thank you for the great comment 🙂
Extraordinary event
Excellent speeches
Well organised
10 of 10
Dr Virk nailed that event. It rocked. And of course Tony Abbott is JUST AWESOME 🙂 Thank you for the kind comment!