The Condon Forum gave great content on the house to the audience. A top marketing strategy!
Today has been the day for learning for me. From visiting new clients, overcoming key challenges and attending ‘The Condon Forum’ – it’s opened my mind to some new things.
With the Forum I attended today, it is actually aimed at Accountants & Solicitors and put on by the Condon Associates Group. They are Forensic, Insolvency and Turnaround Specialists and their business is heavily referral driven.
That is, as Solicitors and Accountants come across clients who are on the edge (or heading that way), they refer them to Condon’s to look after them in either getting them back on track or preserving capital in the case of insolvency.
Their strategy is heavily based on ‘Learning, Giving & Winning’. That is, they put on free events, give education to the market on key business issues (usually in the areas of Taxation, Commercial Law with quite technical content) as well as putting on a great spread of beer, food and wine.
Schon Condon himself, his 2IC Richard Abela and the team worked very hard (at no charge) to create an experience for everyone attending. It is quite an impressive event and it is a very strong part of their marketing strategy.
It is basically what I and many successful businesses do:
+ Give away free valuable information, prove they can be trusted, so they get hired!
It’s a very common idea, yet strangely few people do it very well. You may carry this out through Live Events such as the Condon Forum, Live Webinars, Workshops or even giving out great ideas through blogs a simple as this once.
As you give to people, they learn from you and over time they grow to trust you as the key provider / supplier who can totally help them out. Such as in the case of Condon. As they give to help people out, people in turn think they are wonderful and use them as the preferred supplier. It’s a great strategy and highly recommended.
My advice and thinking? In your own business in your own unique way, workout how you can give back to people and help them. It’s a great marketing idea and when you do this well, enough and to the right people you tend to get hired!
It’s how I have built my business and has worked for many. You may start small with say blogs giving out tips, then work your way up to massive free events and the like. Start small, go big, give, learn and win. They way I like it.
Thanks for the read, love your work, share this with those it can help and stay awesome!
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