As I took every step, it got easier and was more fun at Meetup Togetherfest. Loved it!
My trip to New York as part of the Meetup Togetherfest Conference was life changing on many levels.
It was an experience which created lots of transformations on my life that just rock.
Coming from a guy who has been in the military, I have to say that this conference and going to New York and back in such a short space of time was the most extreme I have gone in my life. The lack of sleep, great stimulation of my brain, meeting such great people and more was just wonderful.
One key lesson that I really gained from this trip was the importance of ‘trusting the next step’. This is a reference to that you basically don’t know what is going to happen next, but you just have trust the next step you take.
As you take that next step, you can figure out the next one and so on. As this business trip unfolded for me, I was going from situation to situation, not knowing what would happen next.
I honestly got a bit anxious! Anxious in a good way and as I reflected on my own feelings, it was how to convert that into more of a positive and productive experience.
That was just taking the next step with confidence. I had lots going down, I didn’t know what would happen next, but I knew that every step would open more doors. That was in terms of meeting people, new great experiences, challenging my own ideas and learning new powerful strategies.
My advice and thinking? If you are like I was, stop freaking out about what may happen in the next steps. Take them as they come. One step in front of the other. As we do that, everything works itself out and it just rocks. Another lesson of mine from Meetup Together Fest. It’s taught me many things.
Love your work, thank you for the read and stay awesome!
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