The ‘Analogue Cassette Tape’ was one of the first ‘Leveraged’ technologies people used to create products out of their knowledge. Now it’s online – same thing!
Hello Awesome People!
I get asked all the time about my Premium Online Course, The Awesome Marketing Vault in terms of how it’s going for my Business.
In short, it’s been Outstanding in terms of Building my Residual Income and interestingly, has helped me attract lots of Private Mentoring Clients as well.
When I first created the Vault, I originally had this view that people will see it as a stand alone Product on its own. Almost the total Opposite occurred, when people did Purchase the Vault, they Love it so much that it gave them a great Reason to Hire me as well. Quite a few would just look at it as well and think “This is great Edward, I am going to hire you right now!”
It’s been about 18 months since the Vault was Developed, and even though it took quite a bit of time to get traction – today I can Happily say that it’s been working wonderfully for the Business. Many Coaches, Mentors & Consultants ask me about this and if you are in this space too, what happens is that it will help you seek out the Clients you really want.
You can only see so many Clients, run so many Workshops, go to so many Networking Events. And what happens is that your Income and Hours will always remain Limited. For me, I have had some months where I have worked Incredibly hard and the income has been Great, BUT if you want to Grow your business, you will need to consider something Beyond what you can offer in Person, which in my case are the Time I spend Mentoring / Coaching & Consulting, etc.
Here is where turning your “Knowledge” into a Product works well. One of the first Mass Market ideas of this was Anthony Robbins, turning his knowledge into a CD Set I once purchased in the 1990’s called (from memory) Personal Power. It was a Tape Set (Analogue Cassette for our younger friends 😉 whch then became a CD Set series (Compact Disc – a DVD size disc that would hold about 20% of a DVD). Robbins originally sold this Product through Late Night Television which formed part of his original base income.
Talking in terms of Today, the most Accessible and obvious Format is Online. Be it Video Series on Websites, Directly sent online Courses and the like – nobody uses actual Physical Media anymore. You can even say, by using the Awesome Marketing Vault format as a sample to help Inspire my Clients (many purchase it to not only for the Marketing content but also for Inspiration as well) works.
What is commonly done is by taking the Content that you are already Teaching on a daily basis to form a Modular Series. For example, with my Business, I use Videos done in Camtasia, Downloadable PowerPoints and great content for my Clients to Download. You can basically do the necessary Online Promotion, and anyone can Sign Up to get Access to your Awesome Content in a fully Leveraged / Automated fashion. Let’s say you have 10 x Main Topics you help people with – you can create 10 Modules to form a Complete Series.
My advice and thinking? Get your Business Stable and Established first and be ready for Growth. When you feel that you are coming close to that “Ceiling” and you have the Cash-Flow / Understanding to complete the Project, it’s time to start the Build. It’s a good 6 month Development time, so it’s one of those Strategies which will be worth the Time and Effort in Building Properly. “Modulate” what you know and take it from there…
Trust this has been another Helpful Topic. For more savvy tips and to keep up to date with New Ideas to Market your Business, please sign up to the “The Awesome Marketing Vault“
Love your work, and thank You for the read, enjoy the thoughts, Edward Zia sign out – Stay Awesome!!
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor and Business Leader who have worked for a very long time in Marketing and loves helping Awesome Small Business Owners get more clients.
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