Today was one Cold, Wet and Hard Day on the Streets of Sydney! I still loved my job and that made all the difference!
Even though I am originally from Melbourne (which is one cold place), today in Sydney was a Cold, Windy and Hard day by anyones standards on the streets of Sydney. I was wearing my full outfit and my Brand New Kathmandu Puff Jacket done up to the top. My feet got wet nice and early in the day, my jacket even got soaked through and the wind was chilly.
As much as I love Sydney and call it home, days like these can test anyone. I was in several parts of Sydney today, the Inner West for the morning, Hills Sector for Lunch time and Chatswood / North Shore for the Afternoon Session. In all parts of time I could hear people coughing like me, everyone was rugged up for a day to the snow and you could see the cold fatigue really hitting people.
Days like these really get me appreciating summer and also remind me as to the natural bumps in our working lives. The cold weather doesn’t really phase me that much actually, I totally love the life and business which I created for myself. One thing I have found interesting is that some people REALLY get hit hard by the weather. It’s funny, I used to be the same once actually. When I didn’t really like my life and I felt frustrated with that I did, a bad day would put me in a bad mood. In watching plenty of people today, this experience has got me reflecting on quite a simple yet very profound topic:
– Job Satisfaction.
Yes, good old Job Satisfaction! In living many years of my life like this once, I found myself loving my profession of Marketing – but in many cases doing projects I didn’t want, for employers that really were taking the mickey out of me. Even on a beautiful day of 25 degrees, I would find myself unhappy and especially in bad weather – it would make me feel even worse.
My lesson and thinking from the cold of today is that I know many live their lives like I once did. Working at something you may like (e.g. your profession), but for someone doesn’t appreciate you, pay you what you are worth with so called “Career Prospects” of being able to do the same stuff 10 years later for CPI increase each year at best. I eventually got sick of who I was working for and although it sucked getting out at the start, getting out and living life on my own terms is well worth it.
My advice? If your working life isn’t what you want – start thinking, pondering and work your way out of it. It may take a few years to create the new business / career that you want – or you may get lucky and pick up an even better job the next day. Either way – don’t do that I did and whinge for years with no action. Do something about it and work for someone that looks after you the way you do them (be it working for yourself!).
So hopefully tomorrow is a bit warmer and sunnier and here is to happy days without raining cats and dogs!
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who is very cold right now!
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