The Look Says it All. Our Prayers to the Victims and the Families of the Martin Place Siege (Reuters: Jason Reed, Courtesy of ABC)
As a Proud Australian of Middle Eastern Heritage it always greatly disturbs me when I see terrible things happening in the Middle East. It’s even worse that you see it 9km from where you live.
It was a very sad experience waking up today to hear what I could only image that NSW Police had to do 2AM this morning; storm the building to take down the Terrorist Gunman and free the hostages. For a team to make a call to enter the building, they must have acted on some quite extreme information that gave them no choice but to do this.
This experience shall certainly change Australia and it’s very sad that we lost some innocent comrades. It’s also a tragedy to really see that we are part of the “World Stage Now” – gone are the days that we are an isolated country that is immune to such unfortunate events.
I think as the events unfold in the media, discussion comes, counter views come in and people may even use this for political gain – we must keep in mind a few key points:
– Don’t blame the Police. Blame the Terrorist.
– Don’t blame Honest Australian Muslims. Blame the Extremists.
– Don’t blame the Government. Support them to do what they need to do.
– Remember the victims, their families and give them our full support.
A very sad day, it’s a dangerous world we live in and many events are going to unfold from what happened 2:10AM Tuesday, 16th December 2014. RIP to those that died and our prayers and wishes to families and friends.
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