Red Wine / Party Time with the Awesome Lauren Watts at Parramatta Chamber. A great chance for me to think through my life and the strength of winning it all back!
It’s 9:27PM as I write this blog post and I enjoyed a fine night with great company at a Parramatta (Sydney) Chamber Event. The Business Chamber is full of great business owners from Small to Large Companies mostly from Western Sydney and I tend to fit right into that environment.
One of my great friends and trusted suppliers is the awesome Virtual Assistant Lauren Watts that I had the unique pleasure of hanging out with tonight. Her and I were talking quite a bit on life and in many ways we are different, but some ways we have had very similar experiences of losing everything and having to start again. I think she is quite a tough and amazing woman and is the dedication of this fine blog.
You may have read my previous blogs about me “Losing Everything” and it did impact me quite a bit. I lost my old family, friends, money, job and I was unemployed for quite a long time. Even last year in 2013, I had some really tough experiences that even saw me without a place to live for my cat and I.
What was incredibly interesting about this whole experience was that I recovered and from all my setbacks I am way stronger and with a greater earning potential now than I ever had before. As Lauren and I were drinking fine wines (at least I was drinking) we both reflected and agreed on the importance of health. In my own setbacks and Lauren’s setbacks – both of us have been able to retain our health each time. I remember hearing lots of quotes from billionaires and even Steve Job’s made this reference – people would give up all their wealth to protect their health.
To me this makes complete sense. Even though I lost all my friends, family and physical possessions, I never lost my skills or health and was able to build myself a new life. As Lauren is doing so well in her own life, we both have kept the basic’s so we can come back in style.
For many years I was quite hard on myself and I have reached a point where I have finally forgiven myself. I am quite pleased as to my results (considering the conditions I have been up against) and glad I kept my awesome health as I moved forward. My advice for going through hardship? If you have done and “Edward Zia” and lost the lot, don’t worry! You can make it all back and a lot more with lots of intelligence and hard work. Also, when you make it all back it’s VERY SATISFYING and a great experience. Especially as a Small Business Owner and Entrepreneur too!
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who Thinks Lauren Watts is Awesome!
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