It was an honour working with the Awesome Martha Arifin today in the South West of Sydney. We loved it and awesome!
I have had a great day working one of the first parts of Sydney to be really nice to me – Western Sydney! My business originally started in the South West & Western Sydney and if it wasn’t for this part of town, I would still be a very poor character not getting anywhere.
Today was an amazing day going back to the awesome South West and running a workshop with the Awesome Martha Arifin for the ‘Bankstown Business Advisory Service’ (“BBAS”). BBAS in short is a great concept that is run by the Bankstown Council and in short it’s part Business Coaching, part Business Chamber and part Business Networking.
It’s a great concept started up and ran by the awesome Domenica Mirarchi and it’s full of hundreds of local business owners. For our workshop, we run a small version of our ‘Profitable Marketing Forum’ for incredibly proactive business people.
It was a funny event in the respect in that people were really serious about business.
I mean really serious! They were totally awesome and before I PowerPoint even started, we were being asked heavy questions on Facebook and Marketing.
When we got asked a question, Martha and I would start answering it – and during the answer, other people would ask 3 x more questions. It was so funny and really hard and I actually had to say:
– You people are awesome. We are answering one question at a time.
Everyone laughed at us, it was a great team of fine people and we worked through a range of topics from Business Networking, to Facebook, Websites, Email Marketing and the like. It was totally enjoyable and it was quite fun actually spending time in South Western Sydney today. The people there are totally awesome and it can obviously be a tough part of town, but make no mistake – the people are wonderful, strong and very kind.
My advice and thinking? I had no idea Bankstown had this bubbling business community till we discovered it and it’s rocked. South Western & Western Sydney are awesome. It’s great to get across town in business and meet a great array of people.
Thank you for the read, check out our next Profitable Marketing Forum here and Stay Awesome!
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