Make it so in 2016! (Image Credit – Awesome Picard from Star Trek TNG)
2016 has already started and I am totally in the zone for a happening year. I was speaking to a friend over Facebook messenger this morning and we both spoke about so called ‘New Year Resolutions’ and we agreed that they kind of suck.
The reason being is that why on earth do you need a new years resolution? If you are serious about something you will do it right now. If you aren’t, you will probably do it tomorrow (unless you schedule in some time of course).
As we spoke about this arc and type of thinking, we both agreed on the fact of not only jumping on opportunities but creating them. Very rarely in life do we get what we want – and I have found that very rarely do things come to us.
For me, I find I have to go to the opportunity, create it, set things up and the ‘buck starts with me’. That is, if I don’t make it happen – extremely high probability it won’t happen. Reverse is true, if I make it happen – then awesome.
2016 is going to be an interesting year for lots of us with three possible outcomes:
1) We decline.
2) We tread water.
3) We grow & succeed.
2015 had good (but not great) growth for me, however I did get lots of processes and systems in place. This worked incredibly well for me and the business is poised for much easier growth in 2016.
I don’t have the bad people bothering me, I am out of the Networking Groups I used to run, I am setup in new high value location sand my Facebook Marketing is going incredibly well.
My advice and thinking? 2016 is going to be a massive year for many of us – if we choose to make it so. For some of us, we may be on the path. For others (me included), it’s our job to drive it that way and ‘make it so’ quoting my second favourite Star Trek Captain.
Love your work, best of luck in 2016 and stay awesome!
2 Responses
Hi Edward,
Love what you share here! LOTS of wisdom but I am picking up this one in particular – opportunities are to be created. In short, opportunities are everywhere. We just need to have the courage to grab the ones that align with our beliefs and ACT to achieve the results that we want.
Like you, 2015 is good for me but nowhere near great. 2016’s ‘Word of the Year’ for me is ‘SHINE’.
I am expecting awesome growth! Thanks for your options 1 or 2. NOT for me!
Love your work and thank you Viola the Business Mum. That is so true in business and love your commentary. It’s our job to exactly create the opportunities – I find only later on do they come to us. Certainly not at the start. Love your work, thanks for the kind comments and stay awesome.