Less gives more punch! (Image Credit and thanks to Batman and Robin)
Like I have been over the past 2 years, I am continually looking at my own performance and making it better on a day by day basis.
A core part of my own success has come from producing powerful CONTENT and I am busy improving it.
Linked Videos, Facebook Lives and this article you are reading now is all part of this content experience. One key breakthrough in my own thinking has been making my Content Shorter, MORE POWERFUL and PUNCHY.
I realised that I just went too far in its length with all the feedback coming in saying “Edward we love you, but less is more”.
I couldn’t agree more and a few weeks ago I started taking everything back to simple basics. The great news is that it’s taking less work, delivering more and I love it. My latest changes include:
– Maximum of 60 seconds for short-cut / tip videos on FB / LinkedIn.
– 30 minutes maximum for Facebook Lives & Live Webinars.
– Maximum of 300 words for written blogs
– Maximum of 30 slides for Evening Seminars.
It rocks, I already love it with great feedback from the community.
My advice and thinking? Put limits on how long you can go on and stick to it. I find by going too far, we give ourselves more work and weaken our message. When we go short and punchy, it rocks. Do it, say more with less and win big.
Love your work, thank you for the read and act on the tips friends!
P.S. Image Credit to Batman and Robin!
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