There are many times where we must tweak direction and ‘pivot’. Do it more and do it fast!
I remember meeting a fellow wonderful Marketing Colleague for lunch last year in the beautiful Pyrmont of Sydney.
As we met for lunch and shared ideas, he was asking me for helping hand in a big shift in his business.
The poor (yet great) guy was getting too caught up in offering services that could be done overseas for less. I was helping to point him the right direction in terms of high value services, products and thinking he should focus on.
He got this in a flash and he kept using the word ‘Pivot’. I never quite heard the word used in this context and as he assimilated what I would say; he would then say, ‘this is a great pivot for me’.
I then asked for permission to ‘steal’ this from him and thanks to my new friend at the time, this became a new part of my business language.
I have found myself pivoting a lot lately in my business, mostly with lots of ‘small pivots’ on an almost daily basis. My key pivots have come from two viewpoints:
– Moving away from mistakes: I can see mistakes in my business and I choose to pivot to move away from it. A great example was not having enough meetings in 2017 and not converting enough ‘fans’ to ‘customers’.
– Jumping on opportunities: This is where you pivot for positive reasons to take advantage of something in your favour. This has been launching my Premium Mastery Workshops in 2018 because of great numbers to our Free Evening Seminars (where I sell them).
My advice and thinking? Pivot often! Be it to avoid pain or seek pleasure; there are different reasons that will drive you to do so.
However, make sure you do it! Whatever you do, don’t be ‘proud’. That makes one totally inflexible.
Like the reed in the wind!
I love your work, happy Pivoting and stay awesome friends!
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