King Abdullah II of Jordan. An obvious Leader & Hero who leads by example and seemingly the first person in the world to actually start properly fighting ISIS. Finally!
He would fight ISIS until Jordan “ran out of fuel and bullets.” This has become somewhat of a popular statement already in relation to Jordan’s “Revenge Hit” on ISIS (or Un-Islamic State / Daesh) who from all accounts appear to be in a bit of trouble right now. With one of their sadly many torture videos they publish to the internet, it was even extreme by their standards the burning alive captured prisoner of war Jordanian Muath al-Kasaesbeh.
This poor guy was burnt alive in a cage, to an sick crowd of onlookers taking pleasure in murdering a prisoner of war. One thing that ISIS / Daesh probably didn’t consider was they were messing with the wrong guy on this one.
King Abdullah II of Jordan has seemingly been the first world leader to actually LAUNCH A PROPER COUNTER-STRIKE aiming to stop the terror group. The United States, United Kingdom and the rest of the Arab World have by most accounts appears to be not taking this war very seriously at all and it’s great to see countries like Jordan and Vigilante Groups like “Anonymous” & “Britain First” actually start to do something about it.
Several weeks ago, most of the world probably has never heard of King Abdullah II and almost any post about him online is usually flooded with comments of support and inspiration for him leading the charge against ISIS / Daesh. From my own limited research looking at it from my own limited information, Jordan under his leadership has racked up:
– Symbolically executed Daesh prisoners immediately after the murder.
– At least 7,000 Daesh Kills.
– Over 56 Bombing Raids.
– Taken out 20% of Daesh’s Capability.
– Inspired the UAE to join them in the fight.
– With plenty of more great things to come.
I think we are once again watching history in the making in that there are some interesting geopolitical things in occurrence here. King Abdullah II is obviously a Muslim leading strikes against Daesh, Jordan is a close ally of the United States and it is claimed that he is the 43rd-generation direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammad.
Wait a second on this one. The so called Islamic State is all about restoring the Islamic Caliphate and they think they know everything and the guy bombing them is actually a decent of the person they claim to represent. This is quite an interest plot twist in that if you think of it from this point of view – it really weakens the argument / credibility of Daesh and I suspect it will inspire more Arab Countries to follow suit.
I think it’s really sad the lives lost, the weak response from most of the Arab World & the West to ISIS / Daesh – however, thank God (or Allah perhaps in this case) that finally someone is leading the charge against the cowards.
History in the making friends and trust you enjoyed the read! Will be interesting to see how this one plays out.
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