A boring drink was turned into an absolute work of art with a simple fun stirrer. Got me thinking about Marketing on a deeper level!
At our Free Squeeze Business Networking event tonight we were all lucky to be in the friendly PJ’s Irish Pub in Parramatta (Western Sydney). If you have been there, you will know what I mean – if you haven’t and you are in town, I encourage you to pop in for a visit if you can.
At the start of the event when we were running around setting everything up, I paused to buy a few of us some drinks. Lemon, Lime & Bitters was the key drink of choice and for the first time ever, as I got them the barkeep put in a ‘Angostura’ stirrer (this is the common brand of alcoholic liquor commonly used).
It was very cool and very noticeable. It turned a quite simple and common drink in a Bar Glass into something quite noticeable and a great discussion piece. Martha and I looked at it and thought ‘wow this is cool, you can not only stir one’s drink, it has some great branding on there’.
It was quite a funny conversation in the respect that I said I would blog about it and we commented on how this little feature turned a ‘boring’ drink into something a lot more. It was just a piece of plastic! But it was an awesome piece of plastic that just worked and looked really well.
On a deeper level and bringing it back to Marketing, it got me thinking about important little things we can do. This can be having the better business card making a great first impression that tips a sale over the line.
It can be having a great pamphlet that turns someone on the edge into a client. It’s the high quality pen / gift you give them that impresses them enough to make them a client. All of these add up to helping us get sales and become better marketers.
What is interesting (and I find this more and more as time passes) is that I find it’s all the little things that add up. Sure, you have to do the big things – but the more little things we get right, each part tips things in our favour.
My advice and thinking? Like the metaphor in our Lemon, Lime & Bitters – it’s great to think about the extra things one can do to improve their Sales & Marketing. You don’t need a whole lawt – but the more the merrier.
Love your work, thank you Martha and thank you Angostura for the fine example!
2 Responses
A great one Edward. Often it’s little things that make a huge difference
I’ll drink to that Awesome Martha 🙂