It would be great to get along! (One Day Lol)
It’s Friday early evening pre-dinner as I write this article and it’s been one amazing week. I have picked up a stack of great clients, been working with some powerhouse people and had some difficult conversations which resulted in Win / Win outcomes.
Today I met with a great person who has been a great client and basically they are the right person in the wrong market. Very high powered, totally brilliant and in simple terms they were pitching to the wrong market. We sat down and we had the difficult conversation about their direction and they are moving on to pursue a new life with making massive changes.
I had another conversation with a character who I have utmost respect for. Basically we worked well together personally, I had a massive disagreement with some of their staff (who really hate me! x x) and we re-arranged it so we can work directly together.
Now the start of these conversations were a bit icy I am telling you! It was hard getting into it however the outcome in both cases. My first client who is moving on to take a different direction in their business loves me and shall be back later. The second, I will be working less hours, delivering more and creating fun for everyone.
It was a day of Win / Win which started with two difficult conversations. The reality is that if I didn’t have these conversations, it would have turned into a possible Lose / Lose with hostility and resentment building over time.
I used to be quite a timid in this regard, however running the 4Networking Community taught me how it goes. In business & life, there are times WE MUST HAVE DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS to turn Lose / Lose situations into a Win / Win and here are my top 7 tips to assist:
1) Be Objective: If things keep going the way they are – how is it going to play out? If you are say “2 Moves from Checkmate” you better change the flow fast.
2) Consider Your Options: Look at things and how they are playing out and differently possibilities. You know that if you keep going it will be Loss / Loss, but what are your options? What can be done?
3) Predict the Future: Great to mentally play out the options and predict possible outcomes. How is this going to play out?
4) Have Backup / A Card Up your Sleeve: You don’t know how this person is going to react in a difficult conversation. In fact, they may even turn hostile on you. Before you go in / call them – great to have a backup option. You have the element of surprise which is good!
5) Make the Call: DO IT! Make sure yourself and cut to the chase.
6) Think of Both Sides: Keep talking / disagreeing / agreeing until both sides are happy. Reality is that you may not be able to agree and you may choose to part ways. It happens!
7) See it as a positive: Life is full of change and don’t let it get you down. Getting out of situations that you don’t like is a positive!
I had two of these conversations today that turned Lose / Lose situations into Win / Win realities.
My advice and thinking? Don’t delay a difficult conversation. DO IT AND LOVE IT!
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