You can never make enough friends! (Image Credit to Vault Boy from Fallout 4)
I have turned around and helped hundreds of entrepreneurs grow by changing one small (yet critical) part of what they do.
I get them to have more meetings with NEW people!
If I know someone who is doing great in business, chances are they have at least several new meetings per week. Be it with potential clients, new suppliers, getting inspired or just building their networks; the top performers I know understand the power of meetings and building relationships.
In what I do, I average 1 out of 4 meetings as a new client in some form. Be it it’s themselves, they refer me to their bosses, husbands, wives and family members; it always works out when I play these numbers.
If I think of the wonderful people I know at NSW Business Chamber as well, this is very similar and an extremely common and reproducible stat.
Talking to the negative for the moment, if someone is struggling I can almost always tell you that they either aren’t meeting new people, or it’s say one a fortnight. This is just far too low to get any meaningful stream of high value clients and referrals and the first step is to get it up to at least 2 per week.
For me, I average meeting 2 to 3 NEW people per week. It’s quite sustainable in my workload and this does vary of course based on luck, conditions and what is going down. I may have a week where say I meet just 1 person, with some where I meet 5! This is a great average to me and you get great clients and you make lots of friends around town.
It also gives you the chance to be the good guy too and make introductions and referrals too. When I meet people to talk business, it is a two-way street and I do what I can to connect them with the best and the brightest.
My advice and thinking? If business is slow, up your meetings! You may get them from your Chambers, LinkedIn, Associations, people in your network and more. You may even need to get out there and explore.
Love your work, enjoy your fun meetings and stay awesome friends!
P.S. You may think 2 to 3 isn’t enough based on your role. I have friends who do full time Business Development who have at least 5 a week. Very nice and DO what works for you. Image Credit and thanks too Vault Boy art from Fallout 4.
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