Life is miles better for me 12 months on from Christmas last time. Asking myself why has given me some compelling insights I must say!
Merry Christmas you beautiful wonderful people! It’s 8:58AM as I start this article and I am totally blessed to have the life I have today.
For you awesome people that have known me for a while, you would probably know the very “Rocky” journey I have been through. Even though many consider me a so called “Success” today, honestly internally I don’t quite think that. Even though I would say 2014 was the “Hardest” year of my life, it was “Hard” in a “Good” way if you follow my logic.
2013 was very hard in a “No So Good Way”. I had a long-term relationship ending that caused me a lot of pain, I had another relationship that turned very badly against me, I had some people rip me off quite badly and I even spent some time having no where to live.
Same time last year, I really asked myself some difficult questions in the respect of “OK Edward, how did you get here? What thinking lead you down to this path? What must I CHANGE to get the life I want?”.
It was probably December 2013 I started really acting this way and I remember 1 year ago I started blogging! It was great. I totally enjoyed it and it was helping me connect with people in a compelling way. For the first time in my life I CHOSE TO BE SINGLE (instead of relationship hopping) and I then put all my thoughts into the following direction:
I must push myself very hard everyday to build the life I want and really help people!
My thoughts previously were probably more fear based and I realized that I better get used too and start pushing myself as hard as possible. This doesn’t mean so much “Push Myself as I am Lazy”, far from it. It was more push against my own “Self-Limitations” that I could see were causing me lots of problems.
It was very hard at the start, but as I started going harder, pushing more, driving myself, pushing against my own fears and limitations I could see things really come together. It wasn’t like I was a “Loser” or anything in 2013 or prior – it was more I still had some dangerous old self-thinking that people really took advantage of.
Looking back on this for me now is quite a liberating experience. I am happier, earning more money, have Automated Business Processes and way better off that what I was just 12 months ago.
My advice and thinking? You may be reading this article thinking “Yes I feel great Edward and you suck and I don’t get what you are talking about. Shouldn’t you just be automatically happy?”
If you *don’t get* what I am talking about, I am really happy for you. I hope you don’t learn what I have learned the hardway.
If you are sitting there saying “Yes Edward, my life does suck a bit and this isn’t right” I invite you to learn from my own mistakes & wins. It’s time to create a new direction for yourself. Life won’t change tomorrow, but I can promise you a good 12 months later it will be very awesome….
Merry Christmas you wonderful people! Love your work and thank you from “The Crazy Persian!” (Edward Zia – Me!)
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