I remember starting out in business was like an episode of Star Trek. I would wake up, get through a whacky day and barely survive to the next. Now it’s systems, process and automation. Way more fun!
Tonight has been a massive landmark for me in my business and life. Crossing 3,000 likes on my Facebook page has got me reflecting on the awesome (yet painful at times) journey I have been on.
Its been quite a few years now and I have survived many unwinnable business battles, launched many groups, made plenty of mistakes and also had many massive wins for my clients which makes me successful in turn.
Like many that have been running a Small Business for a few years, about say 6 – 12 months ago I crossed that point where for me alone it is all too much and way too hard to manage. In once sense that is liberating and awesome. In a shorter-term sense, it can be “Positively Stressful” in that you are succeeding and your every waking moment is directed to supporting what you do and love.
My heavy focus lately has been that of “Consolidation” and cleaning up my business with systems, standards and structure. It may not sound like the most exciting topic ever of business and it’s been hard work! This has included say dealing with bad debt, working with my strategic partners, building new documentation, growing my Facebook Community, updating websites, getting money in, email auto-responders and the like.
The challenge for me has been dealing with the day to day of my business and putting enough time into systems. Hard work, but I have found that things are “Slowly Getting Better”. That is, it takes time to create a system, but once I do the business becomes more stable, solid and workable.
It makes my business less about me “Somehow getting through the day” and making it more about “It’s a Process and there are things to be done”. In reflecting on this statement, I remember a few years ago starting out in business is just that. I would wake up and getting through every day would be like an episode of say Star Trek: The Original Series.
That is, I would have no idea what would happen, how to get through it and during my day I would encounter whacky things and I would somehow barely survive the day. Every day was like another Star Trek episode, it starts great, things go bad and I somehow barely survive but it’s one amazing adventure.
In thinking about this on a deeper level, it’s been fun and the day comes where for you to expand or say deliver more with less hours – you need systems, process and automation. It’s not the easiest thing to setup, but once you do it slightly frees you up every day.
A great example of one of my systems is this blog you are reading, how I promote it to thousands over Facebook and also my Online Sales & Marketing Educational Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault”. You can get instant access right here and hope that demonstrates my logic (and okay, I am soft selling to you as well – you got me!).
Thank you for the read awesome people and have a great day or night worldwide friends! Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor.
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