I am even doing a Live Webinar on Facebook Live. Slowly winning!
I am happy with last night’s Facebook Live I did. It’s got lots of views, incredible engagement and it was the best work that I did from multiple viewpoints.
Great lighting, topics prepared in advance, strong flow, handled distractions well, answered questions and I felt quite energetic and strong through it.
This morning I went through and reviewed my previous lives and could see the improvement. They are becoming much stronger and it’s even something that I like to watch and get right into. I knew this would happen; over time, my Lives would become slowly better.
I feel like they are becoming ‘slowly’ better, but in fact it’s quite a quick process. It’s only been a month and my lives are very strong quality and if I say didn’t know me; I would take them quite seriously.
It reminded me as to how Marketing & Sales work in that regardless of how much thinking or training we do, we only become better by doing it. This is exactly what’s happening to me in this process and I bet in say 3 to 6 months, the Live’s will be rocking more as I build up my following.
My advice and thinking? Facebook Lives and probably anything you do becomes slowly better as you do it more. I am finding exactly that, and I can see it bringing me even more clients as time passes.
If you are putting something off because you incorrectly think you ‘aren’t good enough’, I ask you to challenge that thinking. Just start doing it and watch your skill slowly increase!
Love your work, thank you for your support friends and stay awesome!
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