I am getting my FB Live Formula nailed and LOVING IT!!
With thanks to the wonderful people at Facebook for the great updates over the past few months, I made the call to get right into Facebook Live a few weeks back.
Even though I had done well in Facebook & LinkedIn Video; Facebook Live was quite a new learning experience for me with lots to think about and consider.
After thinking about it for a few days, I GOT STARTED and pumping out Lives!
The first were extremely rough and I had problems with anything from weak data connections, poor backgrounds, not getting the topic right, doing them at the wrong time of day and even saying ‘UMM’ too much!
As it all played out, I kept at it, learned my lessons and now the Lives are getting good! I have a following, improved my own game with leads coming in (yay).
These are my top insights and lessons to share with you all:
– Evenings: I tested lots of times and for me, the best time has been around 7PM. People are really interested then and drop off by 8PM.
– 30 Minute Length: Good length! Works great, most people stay with some coming and going.
– You build your following: You get people that come / go and check you out. The great ones you really like you stay.
– Like real life: It’s like running a Real-Life Meetup Group: Facebook Live when you get it going becomes quite like that. Very nice!
– Heavy interaction with the audience: The more you react to people coming in and the audience around you the better! I like making them all part of it.
– Sell your stuff / invite at the end: At the end, I spent a bit of time sharing with people what I have, and they are happy to hear it!
– Asking for Likes, Shares & Comments: People do it.
I am loving it and my advice and thinking? If your clients hang out on FB, get into FB Live! It’s a great fun tool and spot on for Thought Leadership.
Love your work, enjoy and thanks for your wonderful support friends!
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