My PowerPoint for next week is done early AND IT FEELS GREAT!
It’s my wonderful Saturday and I have been at the gym and working on PowerPoint all morning.
I have run that many workshops over the past 2 years and have become probably Sydney’s Leading Microsoft PowerPoint Expert without realising (lol).
One big thing that the years of winning in this regard has taught me, is the critical importance of finishing your PowerPoint Presentations nice and early.
In hanging out my dirty washing; I have done the opposite of what I have just recommended you many times. I have left my PowerPoints to the last minute historically which is something I finally stopped doing a few months back.
The problem is that if you leave your PowerPoints to the last minute, they just aren’t very good. You may be making great points, but you have more mistakes, poorer quality imagery and you can miss out CRITICAL POINTS.
When you do it nice and early, it sets you up to win big with many advantages:
1) You come up with new ideas and add them each day, making it better!
2) If you say forget to put in a CRITICAL IDEA early, you will probably remember in time.
3) You can get input from other people better and earlier.
4) It reduces stress on your part.
5) The PowerPoint looks better as you have given it more time and refinement.
6) It helps you sell more.
7) YOU FEEL GREAT in knowing you have done an incredible job.
My advice and thinking?
Love your work, stay awesome and Happy PowerPointing!
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