Loved meeting you last night Edward Zia, I must say the Docs rocked it 🙂 As one could see networking…
On Business in Heels in Doc Martens
Thank you Edward for your blog & being our online reporter for the night.
On Business in Heels in Doc Martens
Interesting points of receiving the great 'unfriending'. I think someone's point of view doesn't mean everything about that person it's…
On Being unfriended and freedom of expression
Agreed Edward! At the end of the day, face2face rocks! My rule of thumb is, you have to meet, learn…
On Just do more!
As the Bible says "Love thy enemy!"
On You know you’re winning when…
Omg, this is so true, I inform my biz students about this strategy daily ???? Yes networking, building biz relationships,…
On Just do more!
Hi Edward, Love your blog title dearly! Very cool 🙂 I like your conclusion - 'The more people you meet,…
On Cool Venues, Warm People, Hot Events
I've always wondered Edward why not the Australian chamber. I understand for a business growth plan and for business expansion…
On Cool Venues, Warm People, Hot Events
Hi Edward, This is awesome! Your words 'intelligence and action' reminded me of those days when my children were still…
On Strength, Focus & Getting it Done
Thank you Ed. I love this. So nice to know people respect and care about what we do.
On Those that stand in harms way