Wow thanks for the article Tom - sorry it took a while to approve, it got stuck in the Word…
On Why is it so easy to get sucked into Buying Rubbish?
Although there are many facets of this issue, one is that there is always a pay off for whatever we…
On Why is it so easy to get sucked into Buying Rubbish?
Many thanks for the swell post Bec! I should listen to you more often 🙂 Thanks again and I love…
On Does Being “Positive” all the time drive you Nuts?
Hi Ed, So aptly put: "The more you ignore what you are feeling (negatively)...– the louder it becomes." Unfortunatley for…
On Does Being “Positive” all the time drive you Nuts?
Hello Bec! Great to hear from you and I trust you are well. It was a great holidays but now…
On I Know Eating Salad for Lunch Creates Weight Loss: Why Didn’t I do it?
Hi Ed, A common excuse I hear from people who CHOOSE fattening foods over making healthy choices is that is…
On I Know Eating Salad for Lunch Creates Weight Loss: Why Didn’t I do it?
hi ed, you should be relaxed about fat! it's totally fine.
On Why is it Okay to get Fat Over Christmas?
Hi Ed, We are all nutty in some aspect of our lives. You held beliefs that made you paranoid. You…
On Everyone is Out to Get Me: I have Proof!
Hi Ed The junk is considered unconscious because it is automatic/habitual. Developing your self awareness of your junk aids bringing…
On Is Being Too Competitive Making Me a Loser?
Hi Bec! Wow it sounds similar to what I am doing. In about a year or so, I am doing…
On Is Being Too Competitive Making Me a Loser?