Great one Ed. Awesome stuff!
On Creating Ideas Worth Spreading #TEDxNSI
Hi Edward, I have never received such a wonderful compliment about us! I cannot express my gratitude for the fact…
On When your marketing takes care of itself
Trump all the way..LOL
On The Rise of Social and the Awesome Decline of Traditional Media
Matt Morans story was inspiring. He is a amazing success and a truly awesome ambassador for TAFE NSW and the…
On Food, Inspiration, TAFE NSW and Matt Moran
Hi Edward, Years ago, as a network marketing professional who has lots of experiences in networking but lacking knowledge and…
On You know your marketing is working when…
You are a great inspiration. Thank you Edward.
On Taking multiple shots until you get it right
Thank you for your great practical wisdom......and not just on blogging Ed. In following your mentoring advice, I publish a…
On Blogging your way to fortune, fandom and fun
[…] when i saw a blog post (view link here on Ed’s website about ‘yours truly’ i was blown away.…
On Crazy Persian’s Small Business Marketing Tip #13: No Dawg Eat Dawg – Karma will pay you a visit!
I don't think you have really had a lot of invested time in this place. I'm not saying you haven't…
On Supporting Child Abuse Survivors at the Community Charity “The Queen of Hearts Foundation!”
above have left charity except for person who founded it. very bad charity, terrible help. someone needs to look into…
On Supporting Child Abuse Survivors at the Community Charity “The Queen of Hearts Foundation!”