The workshop at NSI today was full of action takers. Loved it!
This has been a marathon week for me. Networking events, running seminars, meeting awesome clients and finishing my week by running a workshop for the awesome NSI (Northern Sydney Institute, Part of TAFE NSW) on Friday.
In this workshop, I was working with Front Line staff and Front Line Supervisors and they were really cool people. They deal with the coalface of customers and run teams of people who deal with all types of situations everyday.
What really impressed me about them was their focus on getting stuff done. That is, they weren’t hypothetical type of people, they were hard working souls discussing key challenges they face and overcoming them with style and substance.
As I reflected on this working experience today, it made me think and reflect on why I have total respect for people that get stuff done.
My lessons over the past 5 years has shown me that you get people who talk and people who do. I have lost respect for people that talk and have totally grown a fond admiration and MASSIVE RESPECT for people who get stuff done.
Anyone can talk, anyone can say their awesome and that doesn’t take much to do. Getting stuff done however, is something else. To succeed, it takes guts, determination, hard work, focus and effort and it’s a way of sorting the girls from the women / boys from the men.
When you have such people as clients, it takes everything to another level. People ‘who do’ are those who are fantastic to work with in that they are progressive, take responsibility and as they take action on what you suggest and get wins – it is a very rewarding experience.
My advice and friends? People who get stuff done are awesome. Spend time with them. Look up to them. Hang out with them. You will be more inspired and happy for it.
Love your work, thanks for the read and stay awesome!
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