Even a “Big” International City like Sydney is a Small Place. Word of Mouth and Positive Reviews – to this day are critical for any Small Business Marketing!
I had quite a funny small world experience today! I was at Parramatta (A large Sub-CBD of Sydney about 23km direct West of Sydney CBD) working away with the intelligent and thoughtful Chau from Pixel Hero. We were talking about some of the awesome people I work with, including Martha Arifin from Trusted Web Expert and also Daniel Doherty from MerlinFX.
Then out of the corner of my eye, Martha who we were talking about in conversation is sitting at another Cafe doing business across the road right in my line of sight with Lisa Starr (from Lisa Starr Graphic Design). It was one happening business hub, all right on Monday, 30th December 2013. This got me really thinking and reflecting on how people talk, people reflect and the real power of “Word of Mouth” in everything that we do.
As much as I love Facebook, LinkedIn, Online Marketing and all those tools – it was quite a direct reminder to me as to the importance of doing a great job as negative word travels much faster than positive word. Also, you never know who is watching you – so thank god Martha & Lisa didn’t bust me up to no good (as if I would ever do that). Sydney according to a Wikipedia search just then, reported:
“In the 2011 census 4,627,345 persons declared themselves as residents of the Sydney Statistical Division – about one-fifth (19.38%) of Australia’s total population. If contiguous urban areas are considered, Sydney’s population was 3,641,421 persons. Sydney is also the most densely populated city in Australia.”
So for me to not only bump into them or people I know in a big city is very improbable, but it happens all the time to me. Now translating this into business advice, here are my Top 4 Lessons Confirmed from the day:
1. Do a great job! People always talk!
2. You are a public figure, make sure you are always doing the right thing all the time.
3. Networking Works – It is how I meet most people I know.
4. Give Value, Value and Value – so people talk about you more positively.
So there you go and what I fantastic thing to see on what is meant to me a holiday. I am so glad I keep my nose clean – and looks like I really better stay out of trouble in 2014.
Small Business Marketing never stops for us fine Business & Entrepreneurs!
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