Sunday has got me thinking about business, fun and life. I find the more you blend them, the more fun you have and the more success you get! (Thanks to Brad Burton of 4Networking Fame for the photo pic too!).
Happy Sunday at the time I write this article! I have almost recovered from one of my first sicknesses in many years and it’s been great getting my energy and my intelligence back.
As I have been taking some time off, it’s given me a chance to reflect on my own life, my own big mistakes and talking to the positive – the thinking that I have employed that has really helped me create the life I want and love. Talking more to being “A Persian” as well, like a lot of Ethnic-Australians I approach business quite differently to many.
In reflecting on my own heritage and it’s thinking, I was brought up by great parents who started with nothing. My poor Father who was a refugee from Iran (who lost most of his own family in the 70’s revolution) came to Australia with nothing and his Physiotherapy Qualifications – which got him driving Trams in Melbourne. My mother, a New Zealander backpacker who was excommunicated by her own family for defending herself from physical harm by a mean bully older brother was quite similar. She came to Australia with nothing and built herself an amazing Policing Career working the streets of Melbourne.
With that context of having nothing and have to work hard for it, employment and success was a massive part of my upbringing. Although they weren’t quite good business people, the values the gave me have been awesome for my own business success as of late.
When I started out in business, many used to laugh at me for “Working too Hard”, “Taking Business too Seriously” and all that. Ironically, I enjoy myself wearing Floral Shirts, I work hard and love it and I know at least 5 x people that gave me that critique failed in their businesses. Today, people often ask me on “How I did it” so they can model it for their own success.
I find that very humbling, pleasing and for one second I never take that for granted. In having almost lost my own physical life and then my own financial life several times – I know I have got it great these days and appreciate it.
In reflecting on all this on a Sunday Pre-Lunch Morning, my own views of success in business is that you have to “LOVE IT” and integrate it fully into your life. I have found that all the business people I know who have made it, been successful and have stood the test of time all tend to think this way. Of course they take time off, however make no mistake – their business is an extension of their own personal passions and they love it. They serve their business with hard work and commitment, so it creates great levels of wealth to help serve their families and this is what makes complete sense to me.
In my experience, people who have always “Dabbled” or “Dipped” into their businesses, just kept them “Hobbies”. The people like the above (which I did as well), are the ones that succeeded and kept their success.
My advice? Make sure you love your business and it’s a fun part of your life. Sure, some things suck – but the 80 to 90% is great and what you want to do. That way, it’s not work, you forever commit to it and it drives you to make great financial results which is good for everyone.
Thank you for reading my Sunday Thoughts and Happy Days and Nights Friends Globally! Edward Zia – Persian Marketing Mentor and Man who loves Business Fun!
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