A Persian Marketer with Tess Janoux and Kimberly Buttriss Marsdens Law. They are one amazing firm in their understanding of Networking and the Power of the Pitch!
In having just come back from a wonderful Networking Event in the South Western Sector of Sydney, I am all inspired to talk about some of the great experiences I had tonight. If you have read my previous articles, you may have noticed that “Business Networking” is one of my favourite all time Small Business Marketing Strategies.
The simple reason for this fact is that it works and I know very few business owners offering services who didn’t originally succeed with this approach. When it comes to business networking, one of the heavy challenges many face are their Elevator Pitches! That is, how one describes their business in a relatively short and interesting space of time.
(Including myself at the start) many people struggle with this area of Sales & Marketing which helps give me a job (so yay!). One law firm which I have written about many times in my blog due to pure admiration is the Marsdens Law Group. I find them a very interesting legal firm in that judging by many of their staff, they have an amazing appreciation of business networking, are quite adept at pitching and when it comes to Sales & Marketing – everything tells me they really know what they are doing in this field beyond their own legal expertise.
In spending time with Kimberly Buttriss and Tess Danjoux this evening, I heard them in action delivering very powerful messages when meeting people. They are very effective at what they do in this regard (and Mardens is a massive law firm for good reason I am sure) in that when it comes to pitching they are:
– Nice.
– Direct.
– Punchy.
– Know why people hire them.
– Are respectful, kind and easy people to speak with.
This to me if the basic guide on business networking and in particular delivering a beautiful elevator pitch. You really want to cut to the chase with a great message expressed with tons of energy so people just love you and want to do business with you.
My advice? Think carefully about your business and sell quickly, painlessly and cut to the chase. If people like what you do, they will ask more questions and then you can tell your whole story – but when you just meet someone (or you are pitching to a room), short and simple is the way!
Thank you for the read, thank you to Kimberly and Tess yet again being great blog subjects and happy days awesome friends! Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who loves simple effective pitches!
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