Edward (me), Lauren and Jude on Cindy’s Wine Tour Yesterday. A great fun time for us and also it makes Cindy looks awesome and indirectly promotes her own brilliance!
If you consider my own business and many of my great friends / colleagues – we have built our success on the back of “Premium Events”. Even though I am a massive Online Fan (be it websites, Facebook, Email Marketing and the like) I am the first to say that especially when you are starting out – you need a “Real World Presence” of some form.
It’s 10:12AM as I write this article and I am reflecting on Cindy Reid’s Wine Tasting Tour yesterday. Cindy is a Travel Concierge and she helps people plan great trips and runs quite a few events to bring people together for fun and also promote her services indirectly.
That is say similar to some of the Business Networking Events I run for Free, it’s about giving back and giving business opportunities to people and in return getting to market yourself for free. Business Networking is also a massive topic I speak about in my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” – instant access right here!
Events are a great way of Marketing Ourselves and here are some of my Top 5 x Tips to help you with planning of your own:
1) Strong Context: Link the Event to your services. Cindy Reid is a Travel Concierge so she does great Wine Tasting Tours and Social Events. I run Marketing Workshops and Business Networking events for example.
2) Keep the Experience Awesome and Selling Light: Whether you charge or not, keep the selling very light. Focus on delivering an amazing experience, have just “Light Selling” and that is the perfect combination!
3) Have a great crowd: I don’t so much mean that you need heaps of people, but get the “Right People” in there. You want it to be the right mix of awesome people. More directly you don’t want misery or “Sour-Pusses” there.
4) Have a consistent timetable: Do them at regular intervals. Not much point in running an event here and there, keep them all moving. Also at the end of your last event start promoting the next one.
5) Perfect Organization: If you speak to Cindy Reid, Daniel Doherty, Myself or other main event planners we will always say this to you “It must be perfect”. If you haven’t had event management experience, start with light events and gradually build up your skills.
And in addition to the 5 x Tips make it Fun for everyone! Walt Disney perfected this logic years before I was around. Everyone loves fun compelling experiences!
I trust this helps you awesome people out there and if you love my Small Business Marketing Logic, you will love my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” – you can get instant access right here!
Thank you from Edward Zia and have a great day everyone!
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