Stay tuned friends! Enjoy the PRESELLING tips.
Depending on what you are working on in your business there will be instances where ‘Preselling’ is required.
This is generally a reference to a ‘release’ of some form when it will be available. There are very common examples where this occurs including launching events, workshops, online courses (watch this space) and new experiences in your business.
I am actually in the process of doing this with my Next Generation Online Course ‘The Awesome Marketing Vault by Edward Zia’. It’s actually been finished and I shall be releasing it today / tomorrow pending some final checking, tweaks and testing.
Preselling is very important especially for Live Events and I do this all the time. Let’s say you are a running a free event to help people and to get new clients; even if they book in right away they can choose to not come / leave anytime.
In a way you are preselling till the actual event day itself and these are my top strategies for effective PRESELLING:
- Email Marketing: Make sure you have their email first / means of accessing them. For example, on Meetup; I will send once to twice a week emails to the database to keep them engaged.
- Facebook and FB Advertising: You can put out videos on Facebook talking about what you have cooking. Great strategy and works well!
- Calling people up on the phone: Especially on high value products a phone call is just perfect!
- Promoting it at the end your events: Just finished an event? Perfect, get the next one out there and going.
- Making it part of your regular marketing: Don’t just presell with one communication, you need regular touches to make it work and work big.
- Stay connected how you can: FB groups, community announcements, LinkedIn Groups – do what you can to inform them of the changes to be coming their way.
In walking the talk; I fact which to announce that any moment my next Generation Awesome Marketing Vault is coming out. Stay tuned friends.
Preselling is a great strategy and I just love it!
Love your work, please like & share, take action and watch this space.
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