Janja Bojanic rocks (and please note the good looking Persian guy in the background).
It was just the beautiful Monday of this week I was very grateful to meet a ‘friend of Facebook’ I had known for some time. I can’t actually remember the moment when we became exact FB friends, but what I can tell you is that she is very well liked, respected and known across Sydney.
Months and months passed and a friend from Queensland was speaking at an event in Sydney and I felt it was just right to go and pay them a visit. As a sat there smiling away, we actually recognised each other and started talking.
I immediately was drawn to her strength and focus in that you wouldn’t say she was ‘Commanding’, but she would ‘Command’ presence on a deep subconscious level. This brings me to introduce to you the awesome Janja Bojanic who I was lucky to meet for a healthy Monday lunch and talk about business and get to know each other.
She is a Marketing Mentor with a focus on the Relationships, Retaining and Referral side of the equation with impressive technology and thinking that I liked.
As we spoke, she is definitely a leader. She spoke with calm strength, backed her views with reason & logic, was charismatic, well-spoken and is running events and workshops to help people in Sydney and Brisbane.
I quite admire her openness to opportunity and to me this is her big ‘X Factor’ here:
- “She is her and that is it.”
You can tell that she knows who she is and that authenticity resonates on many levels. It’s a very admirable trait and as I look in my own mirror on the wall, I beg to challenge myself on a deeper level on that point.
My advice and thinking? Leadership isn’t how you speak to people or how many you manage (I used to think that); I see it as the command and understanding you have over yourself.
I learned very early in the Australian Army that you cannot lead others without command and acceptance of yourself. Janja rocks and she is an inspiration. Make sure you are rocking in your own unique way and firstly inspiring yourself; and then you can hit others.
Love your work, thank you Janja Bojanic for the read and stay awesome!
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