It was awesome enjoying myself on Anzac Day, watching ‘2UP’ and also reflecting on how profitable business relationships are formed!
When you are running a Small Business and in particular when it comes to effective marketing – it’s critical to ensure we are surrounded by people as awesome as ourselves.
I am successful today, not because I am “Wonderful” or anything egotistical like that – it’s because I am very lucky to have met and be surrounded by amazing people. Awesome people (like you) support you when you are down, help promote you, refer you business and even can come up with great ideas to that help you Market yourself even better.
What inspired me to write this blog was my very awesome experience today on April 25th 2015 – Anzac Day! I was lucky to join some friends at a very hip hotel in the Inner West Suburbs of Sydney and it was a totally packed environment. There are loud bands, people in groups, those on their own passing through for a drink and us down in the action catching up with friends & the like.
As the afternoon progressed, I spoke to some great people – bumped into similar characters over and over again and I have lots of people I didn’t know smile to me, say pleasant things and the like.
Equally, you could see sad / more angry people in difficult conversations with people, in groups where you can tell people are wary of them and it struck me as a real microcosm of the world.
You had nice happy people in groups, you had the rowdy drunkards, you also had the unhappy people in groups too. Bringing this experience back to Marketing & Business – it inspired me to really think as to the importance of making sure you are surrounded by brilliant profitable relationships in business.
It all starts with the person in the mirror. Sure, I can defend myself when I have too – however, my default nature is pleasant, nice and I am forever smiling too. People usually have no problem saying hello to me as they know they are most likely going to get nothing but kindness back from me. Hence, it’s easy to make friends.
My advice and thinking from this awesome Anzac Day experience? Put out positive awesome vibes and you will be amazed at who you attract in return. My business & life has transformed due to me giving first and putting out positive stuff all the time.
Getting this right makes life easier, more fun and of course – if you have 10 x people that love you who are forever promoting you, that is some pretty cool marketing right there.
Love your work, thank you for the read – Lest We Forget of course for our Anzac Heroes and those in Military and the Defence Services!
About the Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor, Blogger & 4Networking Leader who loves helping Small Business Owners nail their Sales & Marketing.
If you like what you see, you will love Edward’s Premium Online Course full of Strategies to get more high value clients – >> Access “The Awesome Marketing Vault” right here!
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