It takes strength and focus to keep a everyone on a project on track – and the bullies quiet! (Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks / Fallout)
Over the past 4 years I have been involved in a whole lot of projects.
From working with clients directly, to running networking groups, to my own premium events and the like – I have been getting involved in more and more team work.
It’s been great for everyone and over the past 12 months especially, I have learned the importance of managing projects and dealing with ‘Project Bullies’.
These people come in different shapes and forms and regardless of whatever project you work on, you will have your bullies. I have been involved in lots of projects and here are some of my favourite bullies (and my own classifications):
The Non Contributor: This person adds no value to the project but is an active noise and nuisance. They will bring up issues that are irrelevant, banal – but equally try and make out how great they are with fluff & BS.
The Dominator: This person has to have the last word on everything and they are aggressive morons. They may have some great ideas, but only if it’s their suggestion. For whatever reason they think they are great, where in reality they suck.
The Ghost: They damage the project by never being there – but giving vague impressions of things from a mile away.
The Delayer: For whatever reason they don’t want the project to succeed and will think of every possible issue to slow it down / stop it.
These are some of the people I have dealt with lately and it’s tested my patience, but equally tested my resolve. What I have learned in projects is that be it you are the leader or not, you have to generate a lot of strength to keep it all moving so the awesome don’t get overwhelmed by the bullies. I have learned this myself and this is quite simply how you do it:
– Take the mindset that X must be done by Y.
– If anyone brings up an issue, tell them to fix it themselves (and if they don’t, it doesn’t get fixed).
– Put people in their place if they act like smartasses.
– Give more airtime to the awesome and contributors.
– Let the intelligent people speak and keep the dumbasses quiet.
This has worked incredibly well for me and if I didn’t do this, no projects would get done (and if they would get done, they would take 5 x times the length and produce a poor quality product in the end).
I find when we act in this manner, the bullies tend to go quiet or leave the project, so then you and your awesome friends can make it awesome.
My advice and thinking? Make sure you don’t accidentally become a “Project Bully”. If you have, great chance to change your ways and add value. If you are the awesome (which I bet you are), just focus on what matters and smile.
Love your work, have a great day and stay awesome!
P.S. Thank you Bethesda Softworks & Fallout for the Image Use!
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