The Awesome Matthew Yeo pushed through some great barriers today and wrote his first of many blogs. Love it and well done! Put it this way – if I can do it, anyone can!
Today I was very lucky to join the Awesome Emma Perrow and Jude Dowsett in helping them run a workshop in the beautiful Beach Side Regional City of Wollongong, NSW.
The workshop was a pilot for one of their high powered event programs to come out in 2015 and I was one of the supporting speakers giving Key Marketing Insights and talking on one of my relatively new passions of Blogging and Article Writing.
It’s very easy for me to prove that blogging is effective by one question “What are you reading now?” That is, as an engagement tool, it has revolutionized my business and presence in the Sydney market over 2014. If you are in your own business and you want to play that bigger game, I’d love to invite you to consider this as one of your strategies.
In the workshop, I got to work with some great people today and the hero of my blog is a kind IT Man by the name of Matthew Yeo. A great man by the name of John Gill did his blog too – and he pumped it out. As it was hard for Matt and he “Broke through it” and did it – he gets the poster boy focus for this one.
Matt is a fine British man and in the workshop today, the focus was on teaching the basics and helping people WRITE THEIR FIRST BLOG IN REAL TIME!
It was quite an inspiring experience and this skill which I now teach to many, I can remember that easily just 1 year ago it was a massive challenge for me. Of writing your first blog, John and Matt both reminded me as to the issues of your first experience. It varies for everyone, however common barriers are:
1) You don’t feel you are interesting.
2) You don’t think you can write.
3) You don’t think anyone will care.
4) You don’t quite know the angle to take.
5) You say don’t have the blog technically set up yet.
The technical part is easy. Just hire an Awesome Web Person like Martha Arifin to help you (she is great). The rest of the challenges and more pertinent and my answers to the barriers are as follows:
1) You are interesting. Just believe in yourself so you can feel it.
2) Writing takes practice. Keep at it and get better.
3) People will care if it’s interesting.
4) Take an angle about what you do answering common problems and steering it to your business. Make it compelling.
5) Hire a Web Person like Awesome Martha Arifin (just Google her!).
I watched Matt break through many of these barriers today and if you say go back one year in my old blog, some of the old articles aren’t that good!
As time has passed, I have got better and better at it – to the point now where people hire me to teach it to them. Some multi-millionaires!
My advice? Matt did great and in his case, he pushed through not so much technical / writing barriers – but his own “Self-Confidence” barriers and his first move was great! Well done to him and get writing your own blog. Your first ones will be very average, but start somewhere and get good at it over time.
It has revolutionized my business and put me on the map Sydney Wise. I love it!
Thank you for the read and what are you waiting for? Start writing awesome friend!
About the Blogging Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor, Consultant, 4Networking Leader, Speaker and Lover of Awesome Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners based in Sydney Australia. He spends his days helping the business community with Ideas & Strategies to help his clients get more profitable clients with greater ease, success and automation.
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