My mind is working! It required some reprogramming but it was so worth it!
Those that know me, know I have changed a lot for the better over the past few years.
Especially in the last 12 months, I have undergone lots of personal change from many viewpoints. I have had my multiple mentors give me great help, been practising my daily motivational activities & consumption of incredible materials and have been pushing myself any chance I have.
It’s been great and lots of people have been asking me how I have done it.
I came from a very low base in that regard and in short, this is how I have gradually reprogrammed my mind:
– Power Wall / Vision Board: Having my actual goals and wants on the wall has been great for me. It’s helped me feel good, I keep looking at my goals to focus me and it is a permanent reminder.
– Backing myself 100%: I am totally behind myself (which takes a decision) that gives me the drive and energy to keep moving.
– Lost lots of weight: It feels great and that enables my body to work better!
– Surrounded by the right people: I got rid of the all the bad people out my life. Yes!
– Consuming great materials: I watch lots of great people on YouTube and this keeps my mind going the way I want.
It has all just worked and my advice and thinking? Our brains are most certainly organic computers. From what we input, how we control it and direct it shapes the thoughts we have. The thoughts then shape our actions, which shapes our results!
Wrong thoughts, wrong outcomes. Right thoughts, AWESOME outcomes!
It doesn’t matter what base you have come from. If you haven’t already, get on the Personal Development journey. It’s profitable and you will love it.
Thanks for the read, love your work and happy development friends!
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