Allo Allo was one of those great shows that defined my childhood, which to this day inspires me…(Thank you BBC and ‘Allo ‘Allo, full image credit)
I met an amazing business man today who is an Ex-Army Officer and someone who is madly successful. I have a big feeling he will hire me to help him in his fine business and as I reflected on how awesome we was we were sharing experiences of our fine team.
He hires direct staff and I have lots of tactical partners who are great. Interesting in that we are both successful in our own right and he is an ‘intelligent’ man who succeeded without hitting rock bottom like I did.
I was the ‘not so intelligent’ who hit rock bottom, lived in his car and made a come back. As I reflected on his funny story we shared lots of ideas and have a very different mindset on how things work in the business.
It was really funny and I got us both laughing and here goes:
Intelligent Businessman (him): Has the viewpoint of systems, processes, control and has had awesome growth time on time. It’s all about controlling the team and sustainable growth in a world full of opportunities for success and results.
Come Back Businessman (me): Has the viewpoint of energy, results, big things and working on growth, ideas and plans to get the upper hand. It’s all about working with my colleagues in a tactical ‘resistance’ group manner at times against a tough world that has dealt us a tough hand.
We both were vastly different, yet laughed at each others type of business style. Successful guy with years of growth and success who is in ‘Command’ versus the guy who lived in his car with his ‘Resistance’ group of friends making it.
What humored me about this experience was reflecting on how I have succeeded and I couldn’t help think of that old awesome show ‘Allo ‘Allo which I quite relate too. It’s an old British Comedy of a rag-tag group of French Resistance fighters somehow winning through creativity, luck and crazy ideas against the Nazi German’s.
In way, I can kind of relate to that in my business today. My success has come from very unconventional means of using every trick I have in the book to get the upper hand. So far so good!
The trick I have found is that you build your own team in which you help your friends succeed & likewise they help you succeed.
Sure, you may be a bit ‘rag-tag’ at times but when you get your own ‘Resistance Group’ happening, life is good. And lots of fun too.
My advice? Think of your story, your business style and approach. I bet lots of you reading this blog are bouncing back from rough times. My story. You may evolve and be more of the ‘resistance’ type of leader in your own business. If you have had years of success, then I say awesome – you may more organized like the Germans lol
Love your work, thanks for read, thank you to my friend from today for the inspiration and stay awesome!
P.S. Full image credit to ‘Allo ‘Allo, one of the best shows ever!
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